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Beauty, Business, and Confidence: A Nail Tech's Journey

Your Ultimate Nail Tech Blog

  • Nail Tech + Marketing - Cordoza Nail Supply

    Nail Tech + Marketing

    A nail tech needs to not only understand the concept of nails but also have a strong concept of marketing, and here is why..

  • Become Unstoppable - Cordoza Nail Supply

    Become Unstoppable

    Social media is a great avenue for nail techs to reach new people but I would like to touch on social media and the main things I see fellow nail techs doing that might not be as benefiting as some other tactics!

  • Top 5 Apps/Websites You Should Utilize - Cordoza Nail Supply

    Top 5 Apps/Websites You Should Utilize

    As we navigate through this pandemic don't forget to set yourself up for future success. You have extra time.. make it profitable!

  • Educate The Consumer {attract the clientele YOU deserve} - Cordoza Nail Supply

    Educate The Consumer {attract the clientele YOU deserve}

    Hold out for the clients who appreciate YOU, value YOU, respect YOU, and they know they are lucky to be sitting in YOUR nail chair!

  • It's Not You.. - Cordoza Nail Supply

    It's Not You..

    I would be lying if I said that the majority of client-nail tech relationship posts that I see on social media, that I witness on my delivery route or I hear stories about from nail techs doesn't fit that description. 

  • Time + Management = SUCCESS! - Cordoza Nail Supply

    Time + Management = SUCCESS!

    Are you setting yourself up for growth using the 80/20 rule?

  • What's a VNC? - Cordoza Nail Supply

    What's a VNC?

    How amazing is it that you can now take a nail art class virtually but still be in an "in person" setting! If you are intrigued read more here!

  • FEAR: It is a Liar. - Cordoza Nail Supply

    FEAR: It is a Liar.

    You are doing everyone around you a disservice if you don't allow yourself to show up authentically and real. 

  • KEYNOTE: SLIDES & WORKBOOK - Cordoza Nail Supply


    If you attended nail camp east these are the resources from my keynote!


  • Fire Clients Without Fear - Cordoza Nail Supply

    Fire Clients Without Fear

    Stop letting your clients control your worth. Don't let their money control YOUR happiness. 

  • What Does Value Mean? - Cordoza Nail Supply

    What Does Value Mean?

    It is a PROBLEM when other people can see more VALUE in YOU than YOU can see in YOURSELF. 

  • It's OK to Say "NO"! - Cordoza Nail Supply

    It's OK to Say "NO"!

    So here's the thing. Your clients are UNEDUCATED. They don't know what they are doing is hurting YOU financially. They are unaware. They are oblivious. AND if they are aware of what they're doing... THEY NEED TO  FIND SOMEONE ELSE.

  • Raise Your Prices! - Cordoza Nail Supply

    Raise Your Prices!

    Raise your nail prices and gain the clientele that you desire who respect and appreciate you and avoid burnout in the long run!

  • How To: Value Yourself - Cordoza Nail Supply

    How To: Value Yourself

    Learn how to put yourself in the mindset to grow your business!